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Follow Xiaomi's path and want to subvert Apple? Letv, you might want to wake up

Date:2024-01-14    Source: This website

On April 14, when the temperature in Beijing soared, Jia Yueting finally released the three LeEco super mobile phones that had been missing for a long time in the mastercard Center. Before Jia Yueting had said to subvert Apple, after watching the release, Sniff Jun felt that LeEco to subvert Apple is still too early.

Background review: letV mobile phone may be Jia Yueting's big gamble

"The first order volume of letV mobile phones signed with the foundry is 300,000 units, and the foundry has delivered 210,000 units." If this information is reliable, there are two conclusions:

1, Jia Yueting letv mobile phone investment can be called a big bet: even with an average cost of 1,000 yuan per unit estimated, this batch of orders will spend 300 million. This is not a small sum, according to the annual report released by letV, its 2014 net profit is only 364 million yuan.

2, Jia Yueting does not seem to just want to tell a story, but really want to sell mobile phones, according to the previous driving home report, the original hammer mobile phone for Foxconn's first batch of orders is only about 200,000 units.

Like Xiaomi, but harder than Xiaomi

Xiaomi is already an inescapable presence in the domestic mobile phone industry, and it is also an old rival of LeEco in the smart TV market. However, the information and strategic ideas revealed at the letV mobile phone conference are like the road of Millet, and on the road of "making money without hardware, making money on services", letV seems to go further.

Looking at the parameters alone, they have indeed reached the flagship level. Although the "not willing to run a point" this meme has been played by domestic mobile phone manufacturers, Jia Yueting still showed the music 1 to break through 50,000 Antutu run points.

In addition to demonstrating the configuration parameters and running scores of the flagship level, LeEco also invited senior executives from suppliers Qualcomm and Sharp to stand for themselves. Using the brands of top suppliers to endorse themselves is also a strategy Xiaomi used early on.

This is probably the most let friends business speechless paragraph. Lei Jun always said that millet "sticker cost pricing", "do not rely on hardware to make money", Jia Yueting is more radical, in order to show that letV does not rely on hardware to make money, directly announced the BOM cost of Le1 and Le1Pro

For most industries, detailed costing is not a matter for public discussion, if not a trade secret, and few companies show their books to outsiders. Leeco's move is indeed unprecedented.

In addition to the announcement of BOM, Jia Yueting has used another radical new move, that is, according to the cost of mass production pricing. If mobile phone manufacturers are priced according to the initial cost of the whole machine of the mobile phone (Jia Yueting announced at the press conference that the initial cost of the whole machine of Le1Pro is about 2800 yuan), then the mobile phone achieves a certain scale after production, because of the scale effect, the procurement cost of components is reduced, the actual cost of the whole machine is reduced, and mobile phone manufacturers can still obtain profits through the sale of hardware. Jia Yueting claimed that according to the cost of mass production pricing, it means giving up the hardware profits brought by the scale effect of mass production.

It seems that letv mobile phones are ready to go all the way to black on the road of "making money without hardware". By the front of these two moves, coupled with Jia Yueting and compared the "other home price increase rate" and "own price increase rate", letV has become the "industry conscience" of the mobile phone industry.

However, just on the presentation of LeEco's information at the press conference, this "industry conscience" is really easy to spoil the population.

One is not rigorous, the data source of "other home costs". According to Jia Yueting said at the press conference, the data source of other costs is "foreign professional dismantling website" and "LeEco's supply chain team", that is, the third party and LeEco's own calculation, with this speculated data, in public to condemn friends of high pricing, so is it really good?

Second, the cost of mass production should be a dynamic concept. According to common sense, considering the economies of scale of mobile phone mass production, the mass production cost of different orders of magnitude (one hundred thousand, one million, ten million) is certainly not the same, LeEco only mentions the mass production cost, but does not mention the mass production cost under what scale, strictly speaking, this is not scientific.

Jia Yueting mentioned at the press conference to let consumers rational consumption, but its statement at the press conference itself has misled consumers.

However, it has to be said that the storage price increase comparison mentioned by Jia at the press conference (that is, the difference between different versions of the same mobile phone 16G, 32G, 64G, etc.) indeed popularized the money-making tricks of mobile phone manufacturers to ordinary consumers.

3. Make money with video services

When Xiaomi talks about "making money by service", even many people in the industry can not tell what services Xiaomi depends on to make money, but when LeEco says it wants to make money by service, the world knows that it is video content services.

Previous analysis was not optimistic about LeEco mobile phone, the reason is that the mobile screen is small, the traffic is expensive, the experience of watching video content is not good, but now it seems that this logic seems to be reversed, not so much LeEco wants to use the advantage of video content to promote the purchase of mobile phones, but LeEco wants to promote the subscription of content services by creating a cost-effective flagship mobile phone, leaving aside UI design and industrial design. Looking at the price and configuration alone, the price/performance ratio of letV mobile phones is indeed attractive.

Leeco proposed the concept of "bare machine" and tied the final price of the phone to the subscription of the video service, which is similar to the operator's push for "contract machine". It can also be translated into this way, if a consumer buys a one-year letV contract machine, he pays 499 yuan for the letV full-screen film and television members, and pays 300 yuan less for the mobile phone, which is equivalent to buying a one-year membership service at a preferential price of 199 yuan, that is, buying a letV mobile phone, he gets the qualification to buy letV membership service at a preferential price of 199 yuan per year.

According to Feng Xing, president of LeEco Mobile Intelligence Company, after the press conference, LeEco will not limit the consumption of "bare machine", so the promotion role of LeEco "contract machine" on LeEco member subscriptions remains to be seen.

Sales targets and financing

Although letV mobile phones have many slot points, such as eUI like Flyme, such as industrial design is too similar to iPhone, Huawei Mate 7, HTC One M9, for example, steps on Apple marketing, but its cost performance is placed there after all, and the idea of making money with video services is also clear.

The letV team seems to be very confident in their products, Feng Xing revealed that the sales target of letV mobile phones this year is one million, and the sales target next year is ten million.

The letV mobile phone team has been in contact with a number of capital parties, and has initially identified a leading investment institution, which is to be determined.

Next, it's time for the joker

1. What about the promised borderless? What's this black line?

2. Opening Septwolves and Lexus hard ads

Sniff-jun has participated in many conferences of various kinds, but this is really the first time that two hard advertisements are inserted before the opening of the conference.

3, LeEco helmet, can't make the real thing and then release it?

In addition to the LeEco bicycle, LeEco super car these products are still not seen in kind, today's press conference Jia Yueting released a new product that is not seen in kind - LeEco super helmet. The virtual reality device can support up to 1,000 inches of video and audio playback area, the maximum viewing Angle is 800 degrees, and can be connected with the LeEco super phone to achieve plug and play, but it is still in the "test stage". Can't Jia really learn to design the product first, test it well, and then hold a conference?

4, reward a LeEco super car, this reward is not too floating...

Jia general seems to be very confident in Le Max, and even take the initiative to compete: if within 6 months, there is a mobile phone comparable to the overall performance of Le Max, a big prize, but the prize is actually... Leeco Super Car 1...

This reward is not too floating, Sniff can even help friends to think of a good joke: if within 6 months, LeEco can really build a super car, free to send each employee of LeEco a flagship mobile phone.

5. Have you ever seen such a messy press conference?

The final ridicule had nothing to do with the various sectors of LeEco's business and Jia's remarks, but simply joked about this conference. Under the sun, the smell of Jun came to the west gate of the Mastercard Center, too many people, there is a security team wall forced queue, there is no invitation, you need to change tickets, squeeze to the nearest ticket change point next to the West gate, was told that it is the general audience to change tickets, "media ah, find contact your public relations, who invites you, you will contact who", then dial the phone, three public relations phone in hand, all busy, Really no plan, intercepted a letv public relations girl, the girl wanted to let the west door to change the ticket colleagues, answered no, let me use another letV public relations quota, reported the number to the West door to change the ticket colleagues, answered that there was no such person, the girl had no plan, no words, and finally gave her ticket to the smell.

It took 20 minutes just to change the tickets, still in the sun. To sniff the entrance to sit down, it has been two o 'clock, theoretically the conference should start, there are reporters in the LeEco conference group did not receive tickets. If it weren't for that girl, he wouldn't know how long he'd be basking in the sun.

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